
Our normal hours of operation for outpatient testing are Monday through Friday from 7:00am to 5:00pm. 几个小时之后, please present to the ER Registration located at the back of the hospital for any outpatient testing or admission. 星际线上娱乐的急诊室登记是每周7天,每天24小时开放的. Please arrive 30 minutes before your scheduled appointment to allow time for registration.


Our friendly and courteous Outpatient Registration Representatives are here to serve your registration needs whether you are here for a simple lab test, x射线测试, 当日手术, 或者住院服务. 请放心,所要求的所有信息都将保密.

Upon arrival to our main lobby, you will be greeted by our auxiliary personnel who will sign you in. On some occasions you may encounter a waiting period and you may be given a patient 页面r. The auxiliary personnel will activate the 页面r to notify the admissions representatives of your arrival. 在通知, an admissions representative will assist the next patient to the registration office.

您将被要求提供您的姓名, address, 电话号码, 保险信息, 照片的身份证, 和其他相关信息,以完成您的注册. 注册过程完成后, the admissions representative will direct you to the designated department for testing.


  • 一种带照片的身份证明
  • 保险卡(s)
  • 所提供服务的估计应付款项. 星际线上娱乐接受现金、支票和信用卡/借记卡.
  • 医生门诊或住院令,如果适用的话

如果你打算入住星际线上娱乐的医院, 你应该带一件长袍, 鞋底防滑的拖鞋, 牙刷, 牙膏, 还有一把梳子或发刷,让您在逗留期间感到舒适. 出院时穿的衣服可在入院后携带.

出于安全考虑,每次来访时星际线上娱乐都要求您出示带照片的身份证和保险卡. Our hospital uses an electronic scanning device to capture information related to your hospital account, 这些信息包括你带照片的身份证. Scanning your picture helps to ensure that we have selected the correct patient medical record which contains your medical history. 它还可以保护您免受其他人可能想要窃取您的医疗证明.


Many scheduled or non-scheduled outpatient surgical procedures require pre-certification. Our insurance verification personnel will contact your insurance company to obtain your benefits and any estimated cost due on your date of service. 出于礼貌, we will also contact your physician’s office if notification or pre-certification is required to avoid having your claim denied or your benefits reduced. Please check with your insurance company to be sure you and your physician have met the required pre-treatment authorizations. You may also contact us at (979) 241-3634 or (979) 241-5519 if you have any questions regarding your appointment.


When your physician chooses to schedule outpatient services here at 马塔戈达地区医疗中心, 星际线上娱乐的日程安排部将与您联系,以确定您喜欢的日期和时间. This scheduling process can be done for any testing or procedures that your provider orders. (门诊实验室不需要预约.) You can also contact us at (979) 241-5966 or utilize your 星际线上娱乐 access for any scheduling needs. Please have your 保险信息 and your physician’s orders ready when you call.


这是对你的礼貌, the hospital will submit bills to your insurance company and will do everything possible to expedite your claim. 然而, please remember that your policy is a contract between you and your insurance company, 你有最终的责任支付你的医院费用. We also have several payment options available to assist you in payment of your bill. 收到账单后, please call the Business Office at (979) 241-5503 with any further questions or concerns.


如果你有特定的测试, 治疗, 或者医院的程序, 你可能会收到你没有亲自看过的医生的账单. These bills are for professional services rendered by these physicians in diagnosing and interpreting test results while you were a patient. 病理学家, 放射科医生, 心脏病专家, 麻醉医师, 急诊医师, 住院医师, and other specialists perform these services and are required to submit separate bills. 如果你对这些指控有疑问, 请拨打打印在账单上的电话.


有关重要资料、表格及通告,请浏览 患者的权利和责任 页面. 如果你, 所爱的人, 或者你负责的人被送进了这里, 星际线上娱乐强烈鼓励你熟悉自己的权利和责任. 您将在本页找到有关您的权利的信息, 星际线上娱乐的隐私声明, 医疗记录披露, 预先指令, 和更多的.

病人 & 家庭欢迎中心

别忘了去参观 病人 & 家庭欢迎中心 for information and links identified by former patients as being vital to planning your hospital 访问.

You will need to contact your physician office to determine if your procedure has been approved by your insurance company.

付款可以亲自、通过电话、邮寄或登录您的 星际线上娱乐.

是的, payment arrangements can be made by contacting a financial representative at (979) 241-5519 or (979) 241-3634.

当内科专家提供这些服务时, 他/她通常需要将自己的账单与医院的账单分开提交.

是的, 这是对病人的礼貌, 马塔戈达地区医疗中心将把账单提交给您的保险公司. 如果你有二级保险公司, a claim will be sent to the secondary insurance company after the primary insurance company has paid. 您需要提供保险公司可能需要的任何账单信息.

马塔戈达地区医疗中心 will process and send a bill to a patient after payment is received from the insurance carrier and it is confirmed that the remaining balance is owed by the patient. The length of this process depends on how long it takes to receive a response from your insurance carrier, 是否有二级保险.

A separate account number is generated for each outpatient date of service and each inpatient admission. This enables us to bill for specific charges and diagnosis relating to your care for that date of service and enables your insurance company to apply the proper benefits. Exception: for recurring outpatient services such as physical therapy or wound care therapy, 每个月生成一个账号.

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) requires hospitals to publicly post a machine readable (e.g., XML, CSV)通过Internet列出其标准收费. 你可以浏览 标准收费 & 成本估算页面在这里.